I’m happy to announce that I made Entrepreneur’s list of the top 50 marketing influencers heading into the new year! The complete list features 49 other stellar startup founders, tech gurus, and thought leaders. I come in at number two thanks to my co-founding of Due.com, frequent contributions to TechCrunch and Huffington Post, and of course for spilling the beans on entrepreneur best practices on my own blog. Dubbed a “serial entrepreneur,” I’m thrilled that my love of creating great products and services scored me a spot on the list.

At number one is Rand Fishkin, the so-called “Wizard of Moz,” who’s renowned for his expertise in SEO (amongst many other skills!). Jason DeMers, the writer of this article, is very familiar with the tech startup industry, having founded his own SEO-rich writing services company. It takes a techie to know one, and I’m always exceptionally flattered to be recognized by a peer.

There are scores of tech entrepreneurs DeMers calls out, and it’s well worth following all of us on various social media platforms. It’s one of the best and easiest ways to simultaneously network and learn from others.

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50 Online Marketing Influencers to Watch in 2016-with John Rampton